Friday, July 18, 2008

I'm "back"

The title means two things. 1. I'm back home with my family, 2. I'm back with my Father in heaven. the second one being of special importance to me. Among friends at college, i was too busy, having fun or much so that i forgot my Father who keeps me alive and mooving everyday, keeps me from all those little pothholes in life that could hurt me. Every year as i come back home, i wait for Christian friends and fellowship, to boost my Faith...but this year has been totally different. I've been home for 6 days now. The first few day were spent wondering what to do next and seriously lazing around. But from day before yesterday, i decided to get closer with my Father, coz in Him alone i find true purpose and joy in life. But, I'd gone so far away that i never believed i'll get back so soon. But no sooner did i call, than He was rt there. He was there all the time, knocking at my door, waiting for me to listen and answer. Thank You Lord, Thank You so much. You are so wonderful, and merciful and your love is beyond all measures.
I used to have a subscription to a mobile messaging service which used to sent a bible verse to my mobile everyday. But it turned out to be a very powerful and present method of God talking to us. Some of my friends who were using my SIM card, and actually did not know of this service, were astonished to see that they were getting instructions and guidance for the things they were worried or confused about, at that point of time. But sadly, the whole last week i've not recieved a single message. I asked my brother yesterday about what i should do and he said he didn't know. This morning i finished my quiet time, with God and was getting up when i remembered that i had heard the message tone ring while i was praying. I was expecting a message from my friend and guess what came through :" I sought the Lord and He heard me. Palms: 34:4". This is beyond everything and i am so filled with joy that i came running to blog it. God has been so merciful too me, and His love is unconditional and beyond all measures. For the sinner that i was, no one could forgive me, but He did. I'm so geatful Father, and I'll always be faithful to You, by Your mercy and by the power of Your Spirit.
So many miracles are on the way and I'm just too glad for it all. I already got permission to study at a medical college here, for the vacation, as observer, which is something too good, and with God by my side, i believe it'll be the best ever Already the people who helped me arrange it have promised to make it the best experience, by asking their friends to help me out, and THEY HAVE NO OBLIGATION to do it. Praise the Lord!. I'm so belssed, and all because, my Lord chose me and called me, and all i did was say yes to Him.

Praise the Lord!

Monday, April 28, 2008

My very first blog

I really dont know what to write down here. I am upset about something and to take my frustration out, i decided to verbalise it out. Of course this being a public blog, i cant totally verbalise it all. But its better than sitting and flipping it over in my mind. Now, rather than being upset and thinking about it, i can do something more fruitful with my time.